Media Art Conservation Lab

SOLO  is home to contemporary artworks across a variety of different media, including assemblage, kinetic sculptures, generative sound-objects and AI art. As keepers of these unique pieces, SOLO takes a proactive approach to art conservation through its dedicated Conservation Department and Media Art Conservation Lab.

The Lab looks to revisit the decision-making model for contemporary media art, with particular emphasis on artworks created using artificial intelligence.

Working in line with international best practice and ICOM-CC and AIC guidelines, the New Media Art Conservation Lab takes a holistic approach. It aims to be open and flexible, to raise pertinent questions rather than provide fixed answers, and bring together professionals from different backgrounds in an active conversation on how to take care of cutting-edge artworks over the coming decades.

New Media Art Conservation Lab Dates:

  • Museo Nacional Reina Sofía. Jornadas internacionales de conservación de Arte Contemporáneo . 28th February 2020.
  • AIC. American Institute of Conservation Annual Meeting 2020. Conservation reactive and proactive. 19-23th  May 2020
  • ICOM_CC.19th Triennial Conference Beijing China. Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. 14-18 September 2020.
  • American Institute of Conservation 48th Annual Conference  in Salt Lake City. 2020