
AMPPARITO (Madrid, 1991). His artistic practice is developed mainly in public spaces, intervening and/or altering reality in most cases independently. Playing with obviousness, language, perception, scale, the accidental and the fortuitous, Ampparito provokes actions of immediate connection with the spectator that range from reflection to aesthetic contemplation or, simply, indifference.

Ampparito has worked in many different places, from rural areas to large cities, constantly moving on journeys during which he ends up improvising, if the occasion arises, modifying the landscape. His personal project highlights include Sobreexposiciones y cuidados, with the curatorial collaboration of Jordi Pallarès, in B-Murals. Barcelona (2019); Incluso un reloj roto acierta dos veces al día, Cerquone Gallery, Madrid (2022); and Fotomatón, with the collaboration of Irene Luna, a work in progress of actions with photographic record throughout Spain. He has also participated in collective works such as Pretenso, Cerquone Gallery, Madrid (2019); We Dance, You Mean, curated by Jordi Pallarès also at Cerquone Gallery, Madrid (2019); or the recent Yupi. Manual para lidiar con el malestar contemporáneo, curated by Juanjo Aguilar and Ignacio Gonzalez. Sala de Arte Joven, Madrid (2022); and in the festivals and cultural programs Caceres Abierto, curated by Julio C Vazquez, in Caceres (Spain, 2021), and The Crystal Ship, curated by Bjorn Van Poucke in Ostend, Belgium (2022).