Mario Antón

Painting, for me, has become a form of world-building, with links to speculative fiction and narrative. I enjoy exploring the difficulty we all experience in trying to reconcile ourselves with our environment — the strangeness of synthetic surfaces, the disorientating scale of objects… Sci-fi films, futuristic cars, and aspirational living all feed into my imagery. Upholstered forms are a recurring theme; the softness they present relates to our constant desire for comfort.

I think the act of painting can be like a neurotic symptom, formed by unconscious, conflicting desires. I’m interested in sensations that persist, despite ourselves and our efforts to block them out. This processing of lived experience allows me to assemble forms, spaces and relationships in an obsessive, fetishised way. I hope that my work will reflect our struggle with the hidden demands of the unconscious, filled with excitement and dread.