Somboon Hormtientong

Hormtientong is originally from Bangkok, Thailand, where he expressed an interest in art from a very young age. After studying in Pho Chang College, and Academy of Fine arts in Bangkok, he went on to work and study under the guidance of Tang Chang- a self-taught artist and poet who is regarded as one of the most well known ‘alternative’ artists from Thailand. After obtaining a Fine Arts masters degree, Hormtientong received a scholarship from the city of Munich and has been based in Germany ever since. 

The artist’s style is heavily characterized by his use of black and white, with his most striking pieces offering an abstraction of the violence and turmoil that have surrounded his country. In the mid-90s, Hormtientong created a series of works all titled “The Mekong River”. The title gives reference to the largest river basin that runs throughout south east Asia, crossing through the entirety of his home country. In the Mekong River works, his own personal philosophy is highlighted- where he believes that “All things around us are imbued with beauty, if and when we can perceive it. It is imperative that we train ourselves in such a way as to be able to apprehend them visually.”

Throughout the course of his decades-long career, Hormtientong has received the opportunity to display his work globally. The artist has held consistent solo exhibitions all throughout Germany and Bangkok, while also participating in group exhibitions in Thailand, Germany, and the U.S.